me too
I dont think the weights of returning players are updated yet though. link
I hated playing thursday night games when I played in high school. It would be a joke if LSU played a thursday night game. The city - or atleast...
Not a bash but, the reason last years O-line didnt appear to be good was because we couldnt throw the ball. Teams would put 8 or 9 people in the...
Auburn. As much as I hate them, I always pull for the SEC.
I'd like to see us play either of the big Texas schools
The AU game has already been picked up by ESPN, and I believe that once a netwok picks up a game it is permanent. Dont worry though, I've made a...
I see them going 12-4. I am still an optimistic Saints fan after all these years of losing:D .
I'm guessing someone changed the picture, and that before it was changed it was the one of the USC football team all oiled up with their shirts off
I hate that guy
I think Saban wants to give him the Fall semester to prove himself and then if he behaves, he will sign with LSU in the spring and begin...
Re: Re: I still don't like Tubby That is true
Re: Re: i go to SMSH Please do!
Why would you possibly say that
Have you gotten to play NCAA 2004 yet? If so, do they have any new LSU specific cheers/songs/stadium improvements/etc.? And is it much different...
Thanks. I've been lurking for a little while, but I finally decided to post.
I'd definitely say the PS2 - I prefer the controller, and it has the online capabilities.