yeah, you are right, he was coming out of the bathroom . .I just like to razz LSU folks about that . .:)
I must say . .I agree . .you guys have a fantastic admin in Brett and a great board alltogether. . The only reason I tolerate you yahoo's is...
2nd question, how did you let some student hanging out in the quad run out down . .you are an SEC receiver for chrissakes!
I saw this on another thread . .Michael Clayton playing defense. I heard (I didn't see the game, I was at teh Capital One Bowl) that he did a...
hopefully . .the combined superior intelligence posts of Pastimer, texascajun, Thorny, and Brett can end this thread . .I must say I completely...
actually red55 . I was directing it directly towards this exact quote from an LSU fan on this board: "It would not be as sweet as beating the...
DallasTiger - I like how you convieniently chose 8 years to go back . .if you go back 9 . Auburn victory, if you go back 10 (which I think is...
Declining a pass interferance call on a complete pass b/c the completion got you 10 yards and a first down and the PI gives you 15 is letting up....
I'd love to see Auburn vs. LSU play undefeated. Question though . . Since 1992 - how many times has LSU beaten Florida. I can think of 2? But...
the response of the players was based on fan behavior during a game, it was based on fan behavior towards the coaches and players and the head of...
I think I have already explained why I think LSU fans gripe about Auburn. You don't expect to ever lose to us. YOu are favored every year, and...
Ethnic shots against Cajuns is flat our wrong and inappropriate. Unfortuneately, I don't think people see them as an true ethnic group because...
if that was a serious comment - its not photoshop - SN picked Auburn as the #1 team in the nation . . actually, Ronnie Brown is really blowing...
"Auburn: Unfriendly fans, ugly campus, and certain former kicker" ugly campus!!!!?? Are you friggin' kidding me . .even the most bitter LSU fan...
I have always believed that College Football looks its finest when Auburn is playing in their Blues vs. LSU in their whites in a night game. It...
I lost your PM . .but you should be all set on WEN now. Thanks for your patience . .
yeah, if you lose the SEC CC Game, you won't make the BCS at large bid just because of the recent loss
I want "Barners" to be an option - I'd vote for that one.
I'm cheering for Auburn