How about we quit trying to change shit.
We're better people.
Take the sleeping pods and the Salad Bar away.
Oh, look who it is- the fucking pinball wizard.
Didn't Bama lose a few guys before the Championship because of the Juice? Cheating Bastards
It would be great if they would drug test for PED's before this game.
Hello Tap
I recognize the enemy and love my team just a little bit more.
Bama fans are lower forms of human life. An Isis dunk tank is too good for them. It's not that I do not like them- It's just that I hate them,...
He's one of our best posters...
15-0 Ramahville is nice- this time of year.
That means he is leaving 100%
Terry- Try using that stuff on TV that Frank Thomas uses.
You truly are one of our best posters.
They stop selling beer in the 4th quarter, holmes.
Gentlemen used to duel to the death in front of the Cathedral too..
A few more of those locks of the week and you could purchase one of them air conditioned suites with all of the vienna sausages you can eat!
I wish I could.
With 5 mins left in the second quarter... I'll buy 43 beers and bitch about the prices too-