First off, I'd like to say that I believe education is an individual thing that requires effort and self-motivation regardless of your...
Damn, I wish this guy was in charge of my place of employment (a tv station).
No. It's a piece of BASIC ARCHITECHTURE. The two beams are bolted together for crying out loud. Does Jesus get credit for every intersection of...
Yikes, I didn't mean for my comparison to prompt this kind of reaction. All I was saying is that it's wise for someone or some group to speak...
So environmentalists will use this movie's release as an opportunity to bring about awareness for their cause. What's the big deal? Something...
Who the HELL are you to downplay someone's service in Vietnam? Yes, Kerry "served" his country in Vietnam. So some campaign aide of Kerry's...
You sir, are a moron whose comments are ridiculous and irresponsible. First off, who are you to say who should have their votes taken away?...
Wow. I'm not even sure how to describe that. It's so vile it probably warrants its own word. Tillman's not alone. There are thousands of...
Let me get this straight...are any of you guys who are saying to bomb these towns the same ones who support the war because it brings democracy?...
Should we start kicking guys off the team if they're caught with cigarettes, which are incredibly more dangerous to your body than joints?...
I don't know if any of you saw this last week but there was an amendment to the state constitution under consideration declaring it each Louisiana...
Sure the Saudis are a problem, but where were we based for Desert Storm again? I'm no blind supporter of Kerry, but it doesn't bother me that...
You REALLY think that "most celebrities" would take that question (name a world event in the past 30 years that's shaped who you are) and...
You take a random quote from a POP STAR and equate that with statements made by established actors, artists or whatever about the Bush...
While I'm not particulary sold on Mr. Mortician John Kerry, I'm strongly in the "anyone but Bush" camp. Here are my reasons... 1. Burned...
I think almost 75% of Nader votes are people who would never vote for the two main candidates. The remaining 25% would mostly go to Democrats, but...
Should we really be accusing USC of scheduling "cupcakes" when we just finished a season playing UL-Monroe, Arizona and Louisiana Tech? And LSU is...