Now see, this makes sense. LSU has a bowl game tonight against a very formidable ACC opponent and there is a thread about Saban and what he...
I dont read too much into what he said. Saban has done a great job while he has been here. We have turned it around and we've locked up some...
Fixed it for ya :thumb: They are already claiming 7 in a row now praying it was an ineligible player. :hihi: From what I have heard...
Re: Rueben Randle Damn, he's wearing a red jacket...must mean he's going to NC State. :mad: :hihi::hihi::hihi:
He's actually a Bama native. From Montgomery. He played at UGA and was a graduate assistant there too. He coached the DB's at Valdosta St., FSU,...
Kirby Smart is the DC. He's the one that had the video leak out before the UGA game of him saying "they're wearing black because they're going to...
Re: Rueben Randle Homegrown or not, if Randle performed and got better numbers than Julio, he would become fan favorite... It's all about the...
Re: Rueben Randle This is why I cant understand the whole "Randle doesn't want to play second fiddle to Julio Jones" argument.... :huh: We have...
Surprisingly good hire for Chizik and AU.
Re: Rueben Randle If he's as good as everyone says he is, he wont be a supporting role player. Who do you guys have coming back? Are you saying...
The world of recruiting is advanced as ever. The effect of mass media plays a huge role. It gives the average fan to the most hardcore fan...
Re: Rueben Randle That dork is pretty damn good, 180lbs or not. Has a hell of an arm... RR may want to play with him. From what I hear, they...
I knew that an agent was involved...I was just saying that I didn't think he ever signed. Until the details are worked out and the whole story...
That has yet to be confirmed. The word is that he had contact with an agent though. I find it hard to believe that a kid that KNOWS that he will...
Hope that everyone had a great Christmas! Sorry I'm late but it's been a great one! Hope that everyone has a great New Year also!
Re: Rueben Randle That's one of the dumbest recruiting rumors I have ever heard. Bhelm, You were looked upon in my eyes as a recruiting guru,...
I fixed it for ya Clair. :thumb: Weak just isn't the word to describe it. Big East Big Ten Big 12 PAC 10 ACC Conf USA All of those are well...
It was. Shula wanted him. Shula is an idiot and the fact that LeRon McClain is doing very well in the NFL shows that he had no clue what he was...
Maybe "thug" was the wrong term to use. I mean he is the QB of "Thug U" so I thought it would fit. :huh: I should have said gangsta wannabe,...
This guy is a thug. Go to the Miami boards and you will see that most of them WANT him to leave the program. From what I understand, he's a...