We have enough non-experienced, ass kissing scam artists in Washington. We don't need another. Do you know anything about ICS or the NIMS system?...
He's a political hack put in place by an incompetent administration for damage control.
Well if she's not receiving federal funds she should be able to do what she wants. Everyone knower that if someone shoots somebody or blows...
Today's politicians are voted on based on popularity, not credibility or experience. Once elected they do everything they can to 1) get reelected...
Depends on how much explosive you can shove up their asses.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" That's all they have to say. As for being against the law it's bullshit. The woman owns a...
damnit boy!
"SEC West. The 9th toughest division in the NFL".
Tell em Stacey. If a frog had wings he wouldn't bust his ass when he jumps either
We don't have it yet but my friend Roy is working on getting it going at my daughters school. Is gladly volunteer to help coach it. My son, Blake,...
I already have a hobby. I fight fires and extricate people from wrecked cars. I also help develop a budget for the FD. That's how I know there is...
I thought most on here expected a 4 loss season? I know we have talent but the talent doesn't have the experience. We are averaging 15-16 true...
We had a guy in boot camp that got our asses mashed all the time. 80+ of us had a meeting with him one night and he shaped up pretty good. Didn't...
Maybe they lit that fire under the boiler. I'm ready to see what this locomotive can do now.
I find it hard to believe that an atheist and an evolutionist don't believe in alien life. What are the odds of us being the only life in the...
The federal government can not stop anyone from praying or professing their faith at any state, local, or even federal event.the so called...
I'm gonna streak the field When we beat the gumps. Hell! I might even take 2 viagara and pole vault the sumbitch.
My ten year old. Took a interest in bows. I fixed him up a youth model. Sights, release, and rest. I spent 2 hrs working with him on anchor points...
We get less for our tax dollars than ever before. If you want to fire your accountant and check the box to contribute extra to their campaigns go...