"The next time a white boy gets shot I'm going to loot Walmart." Is something that has never crossed my mind. They rioted here back in the late...
black. Black. Black. That's always their excuse for being arrested or questioned about something. Being black isn't the fucking problem. Acting...
Now that's funny right there. What's yours is ours but what's mine is mine.
Wheelchair/ hover round motor
Adjustable bed motor.
Maybe they should put the Smelt in an aquarium and turn the water loose. http://farmwater.org/watersupplycutshurtusall.pdf
Pretty good article by a Liberal. https://www.facebook.com/james.aldridge3/posts/10206642135200213
Don't forget these. http://aclu-co.org/court-rules-bakery-illegally-discriminated-against-gay-couple/...
Making money for lawyers. You hit that nail on the head Red. That's what a lot of these laws are made for it seems. Hoping some one gets offended...
Homosexuality is not natural but if guys want to suck each others dick then that's their prerogative. As for the law forcing someone to serve a...
Sodom and Gomora come to mind. Personally I have no problem with gays and lesbians. I have a few of both in my family and as friends.
Sup NC! The fire department has kept me busier than a 1 legged man in a karate tournament. Every law has its pros and cons. It's going to be...
If I don't want to have dealings with a person or group of people based on my personal views and beliefs it's my right. To force me to would be a...
So? So?
The law is based on a federal law from 1993. Signed by Bill Clinton himself. Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If he was a democrat y'all...
Politicians in general are a bunch of self serving, manipulating, bitches and bastards. They tell you what you want to hear so they can get...
He'll pay more taxes on the Lambo than you will on the Chevy. The car will be about 30-40% cheaper once the corporate tax is eliminated also....
I would eliminate the IRS and do away with all the other taxes. Place a %20 tax on purchases and be done with it. That way everyone actually pays...
Handouts are fucking the country. People have learned to rely on them to much and that has led to generations of dependency. Corporations that...
A survey by the Maxwell Poll on the political affiliation of those receiving government aid showed this to be the case. Type of Benefit Received...