They stood next to 4 coffins and told the families that the video producer would pay. If bill Clinton hadn't let bin laden go then bush wouldn't...
Obama followed Bush's original course of action. The only difference was he tied our militaries hands more resulting in twice the US casualties in...
Jay Carneys in the house! Spin it Red. The Whitehouse new it was a terrorist attack because the arms used were supplied by the State dept. but...
Big difference between repeating bad intelligence as opposed to ignoring good intel and then lying to the American people
You mean those wars that had bipartisan support? Half as many soldiers died under Bushs watch as under Barry's. In half the time.
135 soldiers 1 hour away ready to go. They may not have been able to sav.those 4 men in Benghazi. They damn sure could've killed the bastards that...
And you defend the govt to no end. Unless its a republican acting like a democrat. Then you chastise them to no avail.
He's a fr Yep. He provides a product also. A bunch of cows eating public land grass doesn't cost nearly as much as a bunch of welfare junkies...
But they are stealing from us. No different than bundy is. Except its a hell of a lot more being stolen by congress and the staff. Bundy tried...
A million dollars for some grass and he's a felon. What does owing billions mean then. Politicians don't mind raising taxes when they think...
I'll tell you who the freeloaders are. Politicians, corporations being subsidized along with farmers, and those who choose to make a living on...
I'm all about the law when it comes to my hunting and fishing. Sportsman license, fed and state duck stamps, WMA permit, and boat registration....
Got news for you red. The new generation of pickers aren't any better at picking than the first. They may cost $300-400,000 but they still leave...
None of us are free. The govt gets half of our pay every week. What's the rule. Work from January to June for the tax man. The other 6 months you...
Did you watch the video or just the edited part? I watched it. We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and we sure don't want to...
2 state and 1 federal I've encountered. those 3 assume everyone's guilty till they say otherwise. 1 was made to look fool when hi gun belt...
If the militia members and ranchers had not shown up he'd probably be dead by now. If he was black he'd have the NAACP, ACLU, Black Panthers,DOJ,...