I voted yes, but of course I don't live in Louisiana anymore. [img] LSU fans are very devoted to tradition, so there's not much chance of a...
Michigan, Oklahoma and USC would be on my list. Colorado, too, since Boulder's only a few hours away from me (LSU played at CU once before, back...
Disagreeing is fine. :D I guess the reason I never cared that much for the new logo is that when it first appeared, all they did was cut out...
I'd have to vote for Bert Jones. There wasn't much passing back then, so his stats aren't eye-popping, but he could everything well. Too bad he...
I've always liked the round decal logo more than the current one. I guess they wanted to make the "LSU" more readable. Another good helmet website...
Wasn't this the year the Tigers were supposed to play BYU? I think Arizona replaced them, but I'm not sure about this.
Mike Riley was the head coach of the San Diego Chargers for three years ('99-'01), with a record of 14-34. Before that, he was at Oregon State,...
I have the game on tape and love watching the shot of Randall after he's thrown the ball. Behind him KY students are rushing onto the field to...
Best Ending Ever? The Bert Jones-to-Brad Davis toss against Ole Miss when the clock had expired was only a ten-yard throw, but that was the...
That statement showed class on the part of Saban. I'm sure he's been on the other end before, so he could sympathize. ...But I have to admit it...
^^LSU played Rice in Shreveport back in the '70s, and as I recall it wasn't a particularly popular idea. Most fans want all LSU home games to be...
If anything, I like it less now than I did at first. I'm definitely not against change, but this logo is bland and the Tiger is badly drawn. Not...
Randall played great. He throws a really nice pass. I do get a little nervous when he runs, however. I don't think we can be successful with Rick...
Thanks! I'd like to see us play VA Tech again, also. Maybe in a bowl. USC executed to near-perfection in the first half. Kudos to them. But our...
Nice comeback Turned out to be a great game after a scary start. Too many penalties and defensive lapses. Obviously, adjustments were made at...
The 1996 game was the infamous "fire" game at Auburn, a win for LSU. The 1997 game was at Tiger Stadium, a late comeback victory for Auburn.
I think Holtz is 0-1 against LSU, losing to the Tigers in his first year at Notre Dame. Someone with a better memory can correct me if I'm wrong.
Strangely enough, I just discovered this website today. It is a cool site. I think they have it accurate as far as helmets worn on the field are...
Well, he was right this time! :D
LSU fans are among the most traditional on the country, so suggesting a uniform change is near-heresy around here. That being said, I wouldn't...