I wasn't as pissed off about them stomping on the eye as I was the Florida fans doing the "chomp" and cheering while the alama mata was being played.
Intense and a bit surreal! After the USC announcment was made, the stadium was the loudest I've EVER heard it in 10 years of going to LSU games....
Nah, no one was shot as far as I can tell -- so couldn't be them.
One thing I've heard from multiple people about Les at Michigan is he would have to take a paycut to go there. Something about the state having...
Someone was telling me at the tailgate today that Michigan would have a hard time coming up with the money to pay a big salary. Apparently the...
I like to hear his named called except for when playing the Saints, then I hope he has an off day. :)
Re: ANYBODY seen our new Kitty? In other words, they're giving him the "Brady Quinn Draft Day" treatment?
Started reading this last night -- great read. Very easy-going style, lots of little barbs at various teams/coaches (MSU is taking a lot of the...
Probably wants to be swimming in his Money Bin like Scrooge McDuck...
Graduated LSU twice: '02 (English) and '04 (Secondary Ed.). Barring any unforseen circumstances, I'm going back in January for Grad. School...
Maybe I'll see you in a class sometime. I'm applying to go into the Ed Tech Masters.
No, those were just your powers of precognition allowing you to see the headlines 3 years from now.
Kind of off topic, but this seemed like a place to share my LSU custom paint job for Forza Motorsport 2 (Xbox 360 game). If you have the game and...
Just saw a blurb on ESPN during the Red Sox/ Yankees game. Said Donovan is having "second thoughts" about the Orlando job and that Orlando was...
They should re-edit that Quinn commercial to say, "I'm Brady Quinn and I'm watching the NFL Draft on ESPN"
After the landspeed record JT set on Monday to pin the attacks on, "a gamer, obvisously", I don't think you really need to mention the gun...
I agree that something should be done as a tribute, I also agree that the whole "5 months away" thing should be taken into consideration. Some...
Sean Payton is already doing Orpheus this year.
If it follows last weekend's format, breakfast was at Lod Cook Alumni Center.
Nah, she probably works the night shift at the club.