The baseball team hasn't even started playing yet and look at the sad shape they are in. They're tied 0-0, and a pitch hasn't even been thrown...
Ska bands had a lot of interesting names; most of these are early '90s ska. Rx Bandits (shortened from the Pharmaceutical Bandits) NOFX Skankin'...
Re: Saints Super Bowl Parade-Tuesday Man, I really want to be there... FYI, Super Bowl replay on NFL Network going on right now.
Re: Saints Super Bowl Parade-Tuesday Looks like I'll be watching on NFL Network; they'll be broadcasting from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. I'm recording it...
I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy one of those jerseys with the Super Bowl patch from nfl-trade, but can't decide which one. Only one I have now is...
It came up at my house last night, but was followed by "well, the Les Miles from then" and pointed to the 2007 BCS poster on the wall.
Should've named her Drew. ;)
They are from Indy. Kid broke the rules. I don't see any problem with what happened. Of course, they got the ACLU involved so it'll be blown...
Having some people over to my house to watch the game.
I think it was last year or two years ago that the NFL tried to tell some churches holding Super Bowl events to cease and desist, caught a ton of...
There's a Super Bowl 2010 link if you hover over NFL JERSEYS in the menu on the left. They're all the nice ones too, not those cheap silk-screen...
Nice. I took a look through there... really like the ones with the Super Bowl patch on them. Not sure whose jersey I would get next though.
That's about the same time I got my Brees jersey off eBay. Got it from a similar seller, if it's a knockoff I can't tell. I think I paid $30,...
Ordered a tailgate box from Cane's. Not sure what else I'm doing yet. Definitely need to get some more beer in the house.
The iPad is lame. It's an overgrown iPod touch. An onscreen keyboard is fine for a small device, but as big as the iPad is, you'd have to try to...
Pretty sweet cake. My groom's cake was the Tiger Band shako (hat). Came out pretty nice.
Thanks. Listening in.
IE7 is messed up here at work too. Firefox 3.6, on the other hand, works just fine.
My favorite line. Funny stuff, and quite true.
Disney World's turkey legs are very tasty. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of turkey legs.