Disclaimers are like taking the 5th, everyone knows the words don't mean anything including the person saying it. To my knowledge no government...
WTF are you talking about? You're going to have to help me out. How did you start with me saying all 'news' channels are bullshit and end where...
Sure he can express his opinion , see my post #694 bullet #3. But the thing you keep missing or avoiding is when you say this was Hannity just...
OH SHIT!!! Another IX violation!! ;)
The sad truth is that in the era of 24 hour news channels where we supposedly have multiple choices - -there really are no choices for what we...
This was not two guys talking in a bar over a beer. If Hannity just wanted to express opinion he and Laura could have exchanged texts - and that...
I heard that Bill Oreilly said that the texts from FOX news personalities should not have happened and management would have stopped it from...
WTF? What is driving all of this?
If Laura texted Mark from her phone paid by FOX; then FOX can have that information. No privacy If she texts from her private phone to Marks...
You keep missing the key component 'public business'. Public figures are entitled to and should have privacy in their personal business. When...
Happens all the time. I said it was the "Purpose"; I never said it was the outcome. And while it doesn't eliminate those machinations , I do...
If the purpose of the fucking is to influence the publics business then the fucker, fuckee, and fuck reason are public information. Her cup size...
So if George Soros sends an email to Biden and says that he is ready to fund the 'dissolve the police movement' you don't think we should know...
Of course. As President of my MUD I'm also aware of the laws the great state of Texas says I have to abide by as a public official. They are the...
Wrong - there are tons of laws that say you lose privacy when you are a public official dealing with public matters. Every state has some version...
Public figures - our political leaders - should not expect or have a right to privacy in public matters. If what they are thinking,...
Its not about policy. When you cease being a private person and CHOOSE to become a public official you are subject to a set of laws. Which is a...
You are right if you are texting a public official about a private matter; that's wrong if you are texting a public official about a public...
This is good news for him and us.
Your the one who loves the guy who would be dictator. What is the first step for a dictator? Easy, invalidate the election that you lost....