Bron always said that Armor makes you heavy and slow. He will save him again I assume since he isn't weighed down by armor and a gold hand.
I think all of Dany's company has a chance to betray her because as we are seeing she is going to do things her way and the more she strays away...
I agree that Jon had a play in it too but Tyrion was really against her going to King's Landing first and foremost. I don't think anyone of them...
I believe it went unsaid in the episode but I suspect Dany did listen to Tyrion's advice again and convinced Dany not to ride Drogon to Kings...
Littlefinger getting surrounded by the Pack of Starks referenced by Sansa in the trailer. "wolf may die but the pack survives". Theon is actually...
Littlefinger told that to Sansa I believe or another character in a previous episode.
We need Jamie for the ending
No idea...likely way too early.
I will dig and see what I can find out. I have only heard glowing reviews on Brennan so far.
Teuhema also failed drug test on top of the academic issues.
Wouldn't mind seeing this LSU will get offset or clear of the buyout.
Last week that had location(s) of places not even discussed or shown in that episode.
Season 1 I think they said it took about a month to travel the road from King's Landing to Winterfell. Maybe it was 2 months. So we get some point...
To each his own I guess...Samberg has a difficult time making me laugh. Some of his music stuff a while back was pretty good.
Pretty bad...other than Lance Armstrong interviews
I am...all those awful speeches from Tywin about being no son of mine and couldn't prove he wasn't his so didn't throw him into the sea after his...
When you re-watch you will see many hints since season 1 (given book readers have been waiting 20+ years for confirmation of this). Ned awkward...
I think there is at least one other Targaryen out there too but let that info simmer for a bit and lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Euron may be my favorite character now...everything about him is intense and really good actor playing that role.
Not for lack of material...The Producers of the show were given the ending and most of what lead up to it and the producers have been working back...