I agree. Damn Les, at least give him a chance. He can't do much worse than what we have going now.
How many yards do we have on offense, anybody know?
I feel sorry for this defense, they are special and play their hearts out. This damn offense needs to pick it up, now!
Is Reuben Randle still on the team?
For those of you who can't watch the game, consider it a blessing. So far, we look horrible. Mistake after stupid mistake. Let's hope it gets...
I just read where LSU is 1-3 against current Big East members. That 1897 loss to Cincinnati may come back to haunt us. Red, you remember that game...
Who cares what they think, what matters is what we do on the field tomorrow night. I think they are doing us a favor. I may be wrong, but I think...
Those unis look fine to me. This should be a very good game. I think we will win, but isn't that what any fan should think? Now Oregon, they are...
It doesn't matter who the coach was or what school he was at. Alabama was pretty much beating everyone during that time. The years under...
I don't bet, but Bama will destroy Arkansas, book it.
I cannot for the life of me understand why a coach would not want his backup QB to have some meaningful playing time. It's football, players can...
Haha, yep, I must admit, got to agree with you on that!:grin:
Well, I've seen before how Les is able to chew a clock, just as you have. I say we have a very tough road ahead of us and we need to give every...
Don't even put Lee in if all he's gonna do is handoff. Don't we have a walk-on for that? Damn Les , let him throw it!
Don't blame it on the defense, we should have at least 28 points.
One trait I have noticed from our receivers is running routes short. If it's 3rd and 7, don't run a 5 yard route. Don't they watch the games on TV...
Not pointing fingers, but we gotta get better fast. Anyone see Bama today???
I can't wait to hear Lou say Ole Mith thucks. Sorry, I know I shouldn't have, but I just had to.
Haha, I hear ya. I remember A&M beating us 20-18 on a long pass right at the end of the game. Pretty sure it was a season opener. Not sure what...
Nelson Stokely, now he could run the option.