I think that's OleVENICEdog's hand...... Ya know....that's what he must have meant by his "inside source" :hihi:
No wonder they are called faggies......they brag about being a woman in a ball gown. What does this mean? First of all, I can't understand...
No thanks... OVD is much better company than an aggie. :shock: :hihi:
I can hear all the "wooop" cries turning into cries of "WHOOPS"!!!! Gig 'em Tigahs!
HAHAHA!!!! I never noticed that! That's funny......even Yoda wouldn't live long enough to see that! :rofl:
I thought she looked familiar...
BC won!!! Thank god.
0-2! Dammit.... BC losing to Florida in Elite 8.
Suspicious package? Was there a transvestite there? :eek:
I prefer the girls in the American bikinis at the bottom of the pics......the others have too much clothes on!
I ain't sayin' she's a gold digga....but I don't see her messin' with no broke n*&&@ :hihi:
If he doesn't come to LSU, he'll have to put up with everyone pronouncing his name "Hee-burt" :dis:
Very fine and pointy eye-brows are scary.....like that first chick :shock:
How 'bout T-Bobby J? Or Lil T-Bob...... Tit-Bob??? Do I really need to comment on that? :hihi: We might as well call him T-Boob!
Now why would you say such a thing.....or even think that??!!!?? :eek:
Somehow.....I find OVD very forgettable. :hihi:
This is true......what a good memory you have!!! You get a golden probe award!
I think his arch rival is OleVENICEdog.
Well....let's be real....you know it makes a difference in the south. The Yankee attitude really hasn't caught on around here. So I would have...
Slumber party in Venice Beach, CA and at OVD's pad..... You may wanna bring a cork and duck tape for protection. :shock: :eek: :bncry: