"we damn *near* finished with only 2 losses". This right here is what the administration is banking on. Dumbass fans who are satisfied with...
"overachieving" Really tells you how far LSU has fallen.
I never thought Alleva could cluster fuck a situation as bad as the Miles firing, and yet here we are. No protest is going to do anything, we need...
No. I think we need more examples.
This forum has fallen far since the Bama football week thread. We've resorted to using alphabets...
I 100% fully expected to open this thread and see boobs. Gdf I'm disappointed in you.
The hammer is going to fall on LSU no matter what. We aren't protected like Bama.
Can we bring the tits back to steer this thread in the right direction?
We've know about this since October. With basically the exact same quotes leaking then. Wade addressed it in October. Wtf is the exact same thing...
It took me awhile just to figure out what this was about. I've never had to write roux in my life. Cajuns cook, they don't spell...
If this thread did anything it made me text my wife and tell her I'm cooking gumbo today. Probably the last one until next winter.
I can't lie. I like the direction this thread is going. To add my input: The rue is either made at home or if you are stuck without time,...
That doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't change trajectory of Ball it's not goaltending. By the time the ball was on the glass his arm was clear...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] It was offensive basket interference. But also, after the year we've had with LSU and the Saints both getting hosed on no...
The fact that we have to argue over whether LSU's offense was better or worse than Vanderbilt's should be all the evidence anyone needs to know...
My grandpa always said everyone north of the Red River was a Yankee. We were also in Beaumont one day driving through. When we walked into a gas...
This is such a shit attitude. You give all the blame to this imaginary 3% of "spoiled athletes" (the majority of whom are actually from poor...
You're not a team kind of guy if you think forcing the kids to pay back years of tuition because they sit out a meaningless bowl game that is only...
Yes I could see insurance as a good half measure.
This entire discussion came about because Halloween said the players who sit out should be forced to pay back their entire tuition for all the...