AJ Sighting
Damn Ego!
Touchdown Magee!!!!
Blue was a very smooth and quick cutter almost like Yeldon but I think he's either not trusting his knee or he lost a step and movement
Finally called the holding but will definitely take the Interception good thing for TCU it was like a Punt
Man bullshit!!!! these refs have been pro TCU
come on getting sloppy
That PI wasn't has bad as the first two but appreciate that ref
There we go Blue
Blue is either a lil rusty or he doesn't trust his knee to cut
ODB could've caught it but that was under thrown again
Nice route by Landry
Ball should've been moved closer
hoping Kenny Hillard is not a Justin Vincent 2.0
Great Hands by ODB on that one pass was a lil underthrown which almost allowed the tcu db to catch up. The playcalling besides that second reverse...
Holding the DE bad