Happy to help (g)** rtr
I see my remarks are being misunderstood... When I brought up Neyland, the point I wanted to make was that it was impossible to hear,...
Yeah, I've heard of similar cases.. I had a friend who skied with two ACL braces on, and that's pretty scary, also. I waited six months for...
SF, my first reaction to his kicking was the same... However, he's received the best outside medical advice that can be obtained with Dr. Andrews...
Hub, what you say is the "bible," and, I'm sure.. what the NCAA intended. However, the "bible" for how to beat recruiting restrictions was...
You am who you am, and we be who we be.... rtr
Well, we have a punter kicking with a ruptured ACL.. The same sort of questions have arisen.
BT, I think it was really $10 and $20..(g) rtr
Geaux Veaux!! (g) rtr
Saint, I hate to quibble, but, Hey!, what are these boards for.. I've always thought the "he's coaching somebody else's players" argument was...
I'm not impressed that crowd noise... Will be a major factor. I haven't been to DV in years, but Neyland is louder than any other stadium I've...
BT - I agreed with all your points on the HC search but one. Tommy Bowden was never given serious consideration. He managed to create that...
Hey now!! You need a lawyer - look amongst your own! (g) (That's right - I are one).
Six TDs, so far, and counting... And 128 yds last week. Without being penalized one and quarter times a full football field, we smother MSU,...
BT, that's correct, but he's got his academics back in order. I'm more worried about his shin-bone. He's still limping. Of course Mathes is...
Jeff,Lane can now punt consecutively... His knee has improved that much. In fact, last Saturday, when the second high snap occurred, he...
I'm sure I got too deep in the stats.... Point is, I'm sure DC is still thinking about last year's game. It might shed some light to look at...
Actually, AC is on redshirt for medical... reasons. After nursing a tibia stress fracture for a year, he had a rod inserted and has not...
Wellll - We are fourth in pass defense.. You are third in rushing defense. In all, there's only three yards separating the two teams in total...
Ahhh! I confused "spanking the monkey" rtr