Au contraire... Justin was arrested earlier this year outside a T-Town bar for butting a policeman while under the influence... :)
Last year... Britt turned down a spot on the Playboy pre-season All American team because he disapproved of the magazine. You can't expect him...
Hey, Gx... I live on Monte Sano, a couple of blocks from the park. I'll admit the OK farkers surpass the skills displayed on our board...
To be perfectly frank... I thought these efforts were sort of weak, compared to some of the earlier farks. Maybe Saban is fark-proof?
?! rtr
Sure they don't! That's why this thread... is at the top of your board, when you have a game with Ole Miss tomorrow.
Your'e a fool if you think signing the contract.. is going to stop the "Fran is going to ____" talk. He's too good.
Here is his quote from his webpage... Now, if I were an TAM fan, would I want this big a liar? - Nothing -- underline this, NOTHING -- will...
Don't knock it, buddy, what have you been.. king of??
You guys must have an open date, right?..** rtr
His present contract has no "outs," and the new... contract doesn't, either. That being said, any contract can be bought out. Slavery is...
Living with an "Ole Miz," I have to be discreet...nt rtr
I have this referee doll... that all the limbs, and head, are held on by velcro. It's identical to the one on Joe Pa's front door. Each limb...
This dead horse has been beaten so long... that I thought everyone had followed every thud. I posted a couple of days ago that the remarks grew...
I don't know the exact words, but I know... from a member of our staff what it was about, and it wasn't about the "speech." This is not a...
Shari - I'm dropping you an email*** rtr
EBT, we've found one thing to agree on... Croyle should have been in much earlier. It's not as if he didn't have to carry the load for a couple...
Re: Running up the score... Tyler comes to the line with four plays to call, one primary and three checks. The primary was for yet one more...
It was ove recruiting... one specific instance for which LSU self-imposed a two year ban from North Alabama, and also some general, non-illegal,...
I don't want to get into details, but they.. have some outstanding issues involving the recruiting process. I think that was far more likely the...