Oh no question I wouldn't......pretending to enjoy limp old man beef jerky and taffy balls aren't my thing. Of course you'd be sitting there...
I would presume a great offensive coach could offer both styles of QB's and adapt or develop systems that would suit the abilities of the players...
Rained hard in Lafayette for about an hour, wasn't too bad in my neck of the woods.....
I can't even fathom the types of girls you've been with or porn you watch, and please don't answer....step away from the keyboard!
Pay attention kiddo.......
I wondered how long and who's 8th grade mind would jump on this first......no surprises here, I literally LOL'd.
Unfortunately this whole "Les Changing" theme reminds me of a "hope and change" presidential campaign slogan I heard some 8 years ago......and we...
allegedly :)
Good THC extract in the purest form will run you $100.00 for a 500mg cartridge.....so I hear.
He's a Plaintiff Lawyer so unfortunately/fortunately he's thoroughly fucking incompetent......good thing is he offended just about everyone in the...
Bitchezzz maybe Me=like Get over yourself.
and he does......you just aren't ready to know what he knows, patience young one.
truer words have never been spoken
You are not ready to know that information, Bhelm well let you know when you are ready.
Dammit you are like a jedi master! Love it
Hopefully a young, energetic, up and coming coach who runs a modern offense.....
My potential Ingrown's want the big shindig, I refuse. This is why I like you......so socially awkward until I know what exactly is going...
I still like good music and getting smashed and if I were to do it, that's the only way.....
Personally I think it should be a 10 year agreement with consecutive 1 year options to renew after that.....as far as the ceremony, can't we just...