stupid! Made me laugh
And you'll be one of them....get your ass out there and vote
Clearly he's an Indian and not a Chief. Cabinet position is all he's capable of.
Wait, how would YOU know that? Oh wait....
Um yeah, that or the criminal communist hand out giving cunt.
You are retarded and I can't keep up with your multiple personalities.....just be you! :)
Yeah Med School is a joke.
I'll keep an eye out, last time I watched Russ was a wreckless turnover are better off WITH Durant, say it.
He's just a rudderless ship without a sail.....
You are just a plain negative nelly......the Thunder would be gawd awful without Durant, well they would be the Pelicans.
He will no doubt reference her husband getting blow jobs from an intern while he was President, surely Trump and his staff are sitting around...
The Billary/Trump debates will be electric must watch TV......Trump will abuse that criminal bitch.
I didn't know they still make any that aren't.....
No way that thing weigh's 14lbs! Maybe 4.....maybe.
So stupid......I confess, I giggled at all you idiot's posts! :) I bet you all floss after you eat
55 million because people saw you naked, really? It wasn't even in HD. OJ victims awarded 33 million for murder seems fair. Is there a human on...
Pins and needles.....
Surely you realize I was being outrageously sarcastic with my statement you quoted.....
I also heard they found one glove at the crime scene and the other one outside Kato's shagging pad that OJ dropped after hastily running into the...