Once again, Obama providing the leadership that promotes his pro black or pro muslim political agenda....called it 8 years ago. I guess since the...
Fabulous post. Take from the non lazy and give to the lazy, the lazy will be along soon to try and say otherwise, and why wouldn't they, it's a...
It happens.....I can dig it.
Children, should be seen, not heard....
Yep, it's a good source of protein and iron....I make a chocolate tofu pie you would never know is low calorie and completely healthy. Plain Tofu...
You can't post too many, impossible. LMAO, pure bitter awesomeness.
Also nothing worse than pulling ticks off after a Turkey hunt.....but I had fun and you are right it's super exciting.
I love yoga, tofu and killing stuff
And if they don't, then don't check out the Sportsman/women forum anymore, pretty good chance you'll see dead creatures all over it.....I guess in...
I'm not, I'm really Tiga, or Tirk according to Red.....hell I might be Red for all I know.
Obama just figured he could make a little trip over there, legalize immigration so he could bring back another 11 million democratic voters on Air...
I still don't know what you are....I send all my pictures to Bayou Tiger, he's so sexy :)
Like ISIS likes Christians......a very similar comparison too I might add.
Sad but possible, if it happens it's time to move on we will have then reached a point of no return in this once great country.
Funny, I was referring to kyle
Without question the worst president ever, race should have never been brought into it.....thank shane for that.
Um no I'm not and that's not me surfing, I've already addressed that somewhere.......due to "creepy internet guy" you'll not see any pics of me on...
Tennis anyone?
Bout time.....stud