I don't think we underachieved Sat night. No one in their right mind thought we would be in the hunt for a NC this year.... Getting as high as...
Any ideas/gut predictions if the LSU-UGA game will be an afternoon or night game? :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
Just shows how big of an LSU fan you are if you students know you bleed P&G!!! here is an extra credit question for the Pop Quiz..... What...
I agree, GC is a good OC and I trust him. I do disagree w/ your 2 QB comments, Fla in 06 had Chris Leak and Tebow, so it can work. The...
Before I start worrying about the SECCG, we still have to get thru OCT and NOV. I never would have thought our running game would have been shut...
Re: Could we look back on this loss and say that's the day Les Miles star started to Come off the ledge..... What happened to .."In Les We...
Ahmen... Must have been time to change his jorts and brush his mullet.
After that whippin, We are not a top 10 team. :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
Tough pill to swallow, but UF was the better team tonight. Their is a difference between conficence and being cocky.... :geauxtige:geauxtige...
Rain is definitely a plus for us! I am trying to remember.... Were their early showers in 06? I seem to remember ball handling and feet...
So....are you saying you were alive in 58??? You look so youthfull, you have to tell my wife your secret.... :geauxtige:geauxtige...
Nice to see a little respect given to the Current National Champs!!! :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
1 Clemson vs. 2 Wake Forest 10/9/08 6:45 PM 3 East Carolina vs. 4 Virginia 10/9/08 7:00 PM 5 Louisville vs. 6 Memphis 10/10/08 7:00 PM 7 Texas vs....
I hope this isn't a jinx! :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
So.....is lsu76 saying that U and UF are the best 2 teams in the SEC?:huh: :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
#1, it's a Mock Standing.... #2 we have alot of games to play and win between now and the SECCG... Le'ts not get to worried now.......
I was surprisied that there were not more posts like the one above..... :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
!This game will be all about big plays.... whichever teams makes more big plays will be te winner! :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
I am pulling for the 07 team.... :geauxtige:geauxtige :geauxtige:geauxtige
Check out this article.... http://www.ocregister.com/articles/carroll-davis-kiffin-2175308-practice-bradford If I were Petey, I would...