That might normally be an accurate statement...but I think it's misdirected to be honest... What's obvious is that no adjustments were made....
Perhaps. But no more so than Saban is the real architect of his team's defense but that didn't/hasn't stopped former DC's under him (Muschamp and...
1.) Okla St is a little too pass-happy for me. The only RB's that developed into NFL caliber ones (Verand Morency comes to mind first) was when...
Yeah. 3 seconds is a LONG time at this level. They say it all the time: "Inner clock has to tell you after 2 seconds, you need to get rid of...
Lost in all of this is the disservice Miles did, not only to JL by not giving him a single play to TRY and provide a spark, but also to JJ. By...
Not "no" but "hell no!" First of all, you've got to have the right pieces to run the option effectively in college football--especially the...
Oh the horror!!!! :eek: You sound malcontent and never satisfied by saying 2-5, IMO. Now, had you said, 8-15....
Hope it's true.... I hope it was a case of enormous frustration and anger and disappointment with how the game unfolded. Heck! We all feel/felt...
I would care... But I hope what we've seen the past 3 years; the downward trend in offensive production that culminated in total epic failure...
There's more to playing RB at this level than lining up behind QB and being handed the football and told to run like a jackrabbit... And at his...
No kidding. Someone should change the title of this thread as it is completely misleading.....and grossly inaccurate.
There are a lot of players out there (former Tigers and otherwise) that have never lived up to their billing/potential. RS is one of those. I...
Yeah? Examples? What? The 1 TD run he had vs Auburn 3 years ago?? JJ broke a few long TD runs on QB keepers, too....and look how all that...
Don't doubt yourself. Crowton WAS bad as billed.... look at the offensive results Maryland had in his 1st and ONLY season there.
And who's saying he's "wavering"?? I've read reports that because of his OWN "subpar" production this past season that other PROGRAMS are...
Well, T-Bob himself said (via Twitter) that it was not true and even laughed at the rumor...
Not true. I read an article that stated he graduated Jan. 4
You and me both.... He's pretty spot on with that take though.
My New Year's resolution. ;) :thumb: Besides....after what we all witnessed Monday night, we could ALL use one another right now! :lol:
Don't think anyone can or will as none of us were in the locker room... But, I've got to be honest, I'm a bit underwhelmed by the reported...