Sorry. Eagles fans don't deserve a stand up guy like Matt Flynn.
No matter WHAT the play call WAS, a Sr. QB--especially one with as much starting experience as JJ SHOULD know better than to just sit back there...
JJ has not made as many mistakes "this year" because, frankly, he hasn't been in nearly as many plays. From games missed due to his...
Perfect example of what you know. Because WHAT has Shepherd done that leads you to THAT conclussion?!?!?! Christ! It's NOT like this guy was...
We don't disagree and laugh at you cause you're new. We do so because your posts are whinny, negative and generally assanine. Yeah, Stud was...
At 18, does statutory rape even exist???
You and me both!
I'm still claiming UGA is somewhat inflated this season. I know Auburn was ranked 20th...but from the start, week 1 vs Utah St., Auburn has NOT...
THen I took your comment poorly. For that, I'm sorry. I'm just sick of the whole debate every week I guess.
No. But there are glaring holes in BOTH of their games and as such, BOTH should have gotten more work distributed evenly than what was shown...
and you don't think at all if what you were bitching about in the first place isn't the same damn thing you were criticizing others for doing....
Ok...Like what exactly?? Yes. He led the way to beat Bama...that's ONE thing. But in most every other game he's been in, he rarely was asked to...
ett I believe you're right. If we could mesh both into one, he'd be a great QB. But, it's true. Lee IS the better at reading defenses and...
No kidding! I don't care WHAT the playcall WAS, YOU have to know enough to NOT sit in your OWN endzone, ordering a pizza and reading a book...