Then kindly explain why we have a two-headed monster at DC, instead of a Jon Tenuta or a Wil Muschamp? Were they just dying to come to BR and we...
Not to mention the fact that he's a brute to work for.
Will Muschamp. Unfortunately, unless we're willing to give him $5 million per year and offer him the HC/DC position, he'll be staying right...
Well, maybe not in this year's Big XII. But against an Arkansas team like this one? Every freakin' time it should.
Thank you for saying what I really wasn't sure how to put into words. Smoke Laval seemed like a suitable comparison as well, so I used him to make...
I do hope you're right.
I'm trying to tell you to take off the P&G glasses and look at the real world. The initials L-S-U do NOT automatically guarantee that we can...
Moron liberal (redundant). :hihi:
This is the kind of thinking that got us stuck w/ the likes of Smoke Laval.
Re: Sarah Palin School of Public Speaking Answer my question: Since you seem to believe that you're so much smarter than she is, what have...
This has all the earmaks of becoming DiNardo Part Deux, what, w/ the crappy defenses and all the micromanagement. If Miles runs Crowton off,...
I'm sorry, but relative to the hype they received coming out of high school, Jai Eugene and Shomari Clemons have been tremendous busts. And Al...
He's not a Bama commitment. If he were to suddenly switch his commitment to the Crimson Tide, Rivals wouldn't be able to come up with a high...
Re: Sarah Palin School of Public Speaking That "brain-dead moron" is governor of a state. What have YOU accomplished that can match that?
Re: Sarah Palin School of Public Speaking No argument here.
Ditto. I'd rather see a second school w/ 2 Crystal Balls than Bama w/ one.
I don't care what anybody says, there's a lot to be said for style points.
Phat Phil Fulmer rode a National Championship at Tennessee for 10 years. Les Miles ain't going anywhere unless he wants to leave.
That was the exact play I thought of when JJ unloaded Saturday.