Does the word "dildo" come to mind?
I wouldn't e-mail the reporters either. Let the players win and prove it on the field.
Bbbbbwwwahahahaha...... classic :D :geaux:
Just needling ya.......heh he heh're missing that we need them to beat the 'Bows I "love" Alabama...especially when they are playing Hawaii....;) ;) ;) Roll...
If you are going to the game....just get some eats from the tailgaters............. God, I LOVE our fans.....they always come through.......
:D I was kinda worried about this game, but now.......
Arkansas always plays us tough...even tougher than Ole Miss IMHO.....I think LSU will win, but it's not gonna be a blowout. I got a bad feeling...
ESPN has had a hard-on against LSU (and the South) for as long as I can remember....who woulda thunk it? A 30 year hard-on over media share.....:dis:
Louisiana bid laws take precedence.....(Lowest qualified bidder) Sometimes it sucks but that is the law. PM me your father's company....I...
What is this "Around the Horn" of which you speak?
Drop the "fan" B.S. Colonel..... I've seen jerks at lotsa games not involving either LSU or OleMiss. Florida, 'Bama, Oklahoma, Texas, So Cal...
No, Colonel: Anyone without common courtesy won't get far in life. Guess you'll have to grow up and maybe have kids before you understand.
Ummm OK
Ya know why Ole Miss girls are called Southern Belles? Cause they always have a dong in 'em.
:D :D :D pad muh posts
NO PEACE.... Ya'll are f^*$&@$! soldiers!!!!!!!!!!! It's a WAR out there.... :cuss: Bbbbwwwahahahaha..... Go to hell Ole Miss...Go...