Oh my God.....I think I just broke a rib laughing....
Terrible news. Pray for the families.
Ron Franklin for Tiger games. Plus, Ron likes to come down here to fish, etc....seems he loves it down here...... For any game NOT involving...
I'll make you a foil one with a nice cinder block base and only charge you $500 :D
I have to concur with LL....it's getting worse. Much worse. The last few FB games I've been to, I've been embarassed on multiple occasions PER...
I've never liked KJ when he calls games that impact LSU or where he has a bias. You don't have to go far back either. I watched the...
Jim Rome = SoCal dildo homer 'nuff said
Your not going to get too many responses I think. USC fans are so self-absorbed they probably don't even realize other boards exist.
Every coach and team in the country knows the BCS rules BEFORE the season starts. You either live by 'em or die by 'em. USC is ranked #3 in the...
I could give a chit..... I made a comment on SC's board that I thought LSU was slightly better and friggen' got called every name in the book....
Dildo = Alberts
Thanks for your kind words....good luck to you and your team
I find it offensive too.
Everywhere I look I see major media bias.... I was about to puke listening to Keith Jackson during the Mich/OSU game. He just about ruined an...
Georgia is a very good team. I'm not "anti-woofing" or kidding or whatever, when I say this. I think both of these teams and fans respect each...
Can anyone tell me how/when the tradition of wearing white jerseys got started for our home games????
The BCS uses two sources to rank teams. 1. Polls - subjective 2. Computer rankings - objective Let's face it. The polls are gonna screw...
I "hate": 1. SC....I couldn't stand them when I lived in SoCal, now they're even worse with success. Buncha arrogant, judgemental,...
Really guys...lay off.......
It depends :mad: