I quit listening to Rome when he "banged his monkey" over Southern Cal being SOOOOO superior to LSU in 2003. He's a So Cal jerk-off....and 1210...
I can just see Marotti and his "off beat" conditioning program..."If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Tiger linebacker" :hihi:
Have to agree..... The only LSU football coach I never really liked was Archer because he tolerated so much shenanigens. Not too fone of...
Nicholls looked bad today....Tigers, OK against a low tier opponent. You could tell that Nicholls had the wind let out after the first...
I'm not a BRady lover. but can't we just get behind our coach and team until it plays out???? There will be plenty of time for coach bashing...
That's a VERY bad picture of her. I'm not saying she's Playboy material...just pretty IMO. [IMG]
Two comments/thoughts: 1. Congrats to the Lady Tigers...I'm proud of the way they played. Very deserving of their ranking. 2. Does anyone...
Backhanded compliment....sorta like LSU fans would say to Aubies, "Nice National Championship...or not"
Oooppps Thanks What a victory!!!!!!!!!!
What a game the Ladies are playing!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you left a trail of breadcrumbs home Hansel>>>>> :wink:
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Heh The beatdown began last night Barners :rofl:
Don't mind islstl....he can be a bit rude sometimes. "Welcome to TigerForums", we're gonna beat the crap out of you. :D
LSU "washed" his brain????? What an odd thing to say.... I'm glad he's decided to come here though.
Does anyone else cringe at this mental image :( :dis:
Those darn Vandy fans..... :rofl:
Seems that everyone except Tulane has someone in front of us. So....I'm not one for dwelling in the past, I say beat the cr*p outta all of them...
Lots of 'em don't make it through their first couple of semesters anyway... :dis:
I grew up with season tickets and went to almost every game I could and watched or listenedto the rest....Now, I could care less about the Saints...