Football: Bert Jones (my fav by far), Eric Andolsek (R.I.P.), Hodson & Davis, Eddie Fuller for the Earthquake game :thumb: , Matt M., fav name is...
Ya well enjoy your time in college, even if you live in K.S.....if it dates me, my first dorm isn't even there anymore (Power) :bncry:
Is dat against a group of full sized Miles or mini-Miles???
OH MY!!!!! :thumb: :thumb: I think I have become an instant ASU fan!!!!
Of course, is there any wonder that the percentage of homo football fans increases in such locales as Austin and L.A.????:eek:
While I certainly do not endorse rude behavior by or among our fans, it should be noted that the more a team wins, the more despised your team and...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Behemoth!!!!! One of my favorite movies :hihi:
The Saints are still in New Orleans??? Who knew? I quit watching Saint's games 10 years ago :hihi: Fall Sundays are for shooting ducks...
Hansel.... I don't think anyone is endorsing vandalism. All I'm saying is that someone that makes such a spectacle out of themselves is bound...
I've been laughing at this all day..... :rofl: While I deplore what happened to the Tiger Tail van, the dude is just flat out asking for it....
National media honks like Cowherd and Rome = azzhats concerned with ratings :hihi:
Ya!!!! We have a lot of neg because we have been beating teams from all over the country for the last few years. People hate a winner :rofl:...
I've gotten to the point that I really don't care anymore what other schools or fans think. I know that's terrible to say, but I would bet that...
I don't think anyone can argue with some of those critiques. I saw a talented but undisiplined team last night. Too many penalties and...
I think you should be thankful that you got your licks in while this dog was won't happen again
That is my point also....I think this Staff is learning what the big boys (SEC) are all about. No one just steps into a Top 5 program w/o a bit of...
Note to self...never invite 151 and Sausage to a tailgate party... I just don't see the value in bitching incessantly :dis:
IMO, this staff is learning that SEC football is day in-day out, never assume anything, football. I'm actually encouraged at some of the progress...
Playing to another team's strengths is not good coaching. I am 100% behind CLM but I am concerned that I'm seeing poor prep and lack of...
Such class....such elegance......I haven't seen a person yet who condones bottle throwing... He who laughs last, laughs loudest......see ya in...