I'm reserving any judgement until 1) The man actually fields a team, and 2) I see the performance of said team. Until then it's all bullshit really.
Man I'm SO glad we dodged that bullet....
This... x1,000,000,000 (give or take)... I don't care who the coach is or the coordinator. When you got those guys on your team, you can do...
Needs more cowbell... Na seriously, what in the wild world of fuck was that??
Corey, is that you? ;)
I'm not worried too much; in fact I kind of expected this. These kids were sold on the program by Coach O and company. Now they're uncertain, and...
That was Les Miles I believe..
The players will be fine. It's the ND fans that got butt-hurt. Players know this can happen and understand it and know what it is. It's just the...
This. Kelly did an incredible job with the players he managed to get on the team @ Notre Dame. He had pretty strict academic requirements to...
I think a lot of folks are doubting he's the real deal because they're not used to LSU landing the real deal as a coach. I like this hire more and...
If the man can coach and deliver wins then he will be a fish in water, and maybe the biggest fish in the water before it is all said and done.
I agree with Don, most underclassmen won't opt out. Even in the shitty bowl games, the players get all kind of neat perks and gifts and shit.....
That is some "Things that make you go hmmm" shit right there. For the record, I have taken 2 Pfizer shots. I do believe however everyone deserves...
Honestly, it's hard to trust ANY coach when a hundred million bucks is being thrown around like mardi gras beads.... I trust the older ones more...
Oh I get that. I don't think he will.. He could have cruised at ND and retired from there. He wanted something more and knew this was a shot at...
Never heard of it... Or a purple Sonic the Hedgehog wearing Sam Montgomery's number for that matter. :cool:
After sleeping on this, I've warmed up to it. Considering what he's done in South Bend with recruiting while having to comply with the school's...
I mean Saban is 70, he's won 6 'ships in the last 15 years... stranger things have happened.
Oooh.... Salt content is high up around South Bend at this hour...