I don't know man, I guess my take is that it's corrupt either way. Maybe it always has been about who pays their athletes the most (which I agree...
As far as the cap, I don't have an answer, though intuitively I find it would be a bit excessive if there were a kid out of highschool making...
You are not wrong.
I get what you're saying and admittedly don't have the answer. You say taking the scholarship away is bad, and it may be. I say the whole NIL...
I just find it funny how all of these media outlets that are now all of a sudden against a billionaire owning a social media platform, are owned...
So here's the thing.. I wasn't really even thinking in terms of giving another player a shot, though that would be kind of included by default....
Fair enough.. I can see it structured that way...
Never said it was perfect, but I'll bite.. Please elaborate..
My thoughts are simple (and not to say they would amount to any change or improvement)... If you receive NIL benefits, then (fully) pay your own...
You tell him to get his mortal ass back here where he belongs?
Aww man.. I'm saddened to hear that. Rest easy old timer!
All them people from north of Alexandria are strange... He'll be ok.
They should at the least make a rule that states if a player gets paid NIL, then they forfeit their scholarship. People seem to have forgotten...
In the aspect that LSU won't shit right for a month after this, sure I'd say that's a fair comparison...
Leading up to the game, I didn't once feel like LSU was going to sneak away with a W tonight, which is why I didn't comment much. Now that I see...
Signed, Nick Saban.... Na seriously, if he's staying that is awesome news and I am glad to hear it. I was sorry to see him get injured this...
If that were my player he'd be removed from the team.
I'll pull for Bama if they play ISIS or Al Qaeda... maybe.
That's a reasonable estimate; I was hoping for somewhere around 12th.. Also wondering if any students he was recruiting for ND decide to follow...