Liauzza singles to deep short Zerginue hits into a double play Harris strikes out LSU 2-1 going to bottom of 3rd
Dirks gets out of another bases loaded jam by striking out the last two batters LSU 2-1 going to the top of the 3rd
Stavinhoa pops up to 1st Nacarrata walks W Harris pops up to right field Gill singles up the middle. Nacarrata to 2nd Holt singles to left...
Dirks gets out of jam - two popups TIE GAME 1-1 going to Top of 2nd
Bases loaded walk 1 out bases still juiced TIE GAME 1-1
Clay Dirks getting rocked early 3 singles - bases juiced with 1 out
LSU vs Ole Piss - Game 3 Thread Top 1st Holt Bunt single Patterson single Holt to 3rd Liauzza strikes out - Holts scores on second baseman...
Did I see that correct? LSU#16 and USC#9. Are those the default rankings or was this part of a season where they might have has them lose are game?
If my calculations are correct, there are still 6 teams in contention for the SEC regular season championship and anyone of the 6 teams can finish...
agree 100% LSU is 4-1 versus Top 25 for a 3 game series with a chance to go 5-1 next weekend. There are 6 SEC teams ranked in the TOP 25. Enough...
Meier got shelled today pretty good - 4 runs 9 hits in four innings of work. He was getting ahead on many of the batters 0-2 but could not get the...
no problem
Zeringue singles. Hebert scores. Tigers win! Tigers win. Zeringue goes 5-6 in the game. LSU 7-6 Final
Hebert steals 2nd for Liuzza. Runner on 2nd 0 outs
Liuzza singles
3 up 3 down in the top half of the 11th. LSU batting in the bottom half to win. 6-6 TIE GAME Liuzza, Zeringue and Clay Harris
Patterson fans. Going to the 11th. Patterson 0-6 for in the second game. Beginning of a slump? Detterman to pitch 11th
Intentional Walk. Bases juices for Patterson. 2 outs
1st and 3rd with 2 outs. Holt batting
Detterman gets out of a jam with a runner at third with a fly out to end the inning. Going to the 10th with a chance to win it. 6-6 TIE GAME