Corso sometimes says what the writers tell him to in order to increase banter. No way does he believe Spurrier did a better job than Les. Fighting...
Simple rape has a maximum sentence of 25 years. This is a serious charge, and not equivalent to a ticket. He is not charged with forcible or...
When it comes to DS confirmation tests, they (the labs) utilize GC/MS for confirmatory testing. The mass spec identifies the chemical structure...
Add 340 pounds of love if you run behind Hurst.
No false positives on a lab test. The instruments perform highly sensitive and accurate chemical analysis. False positives may occur with...
5dimes has Bama -4 Pinnacle has Bama -5 Caesar's was just a futures.
Tirk is always on top of his game. Caesar's futures opened at Bama -6.5. Nice job tirk.
Most commercial labs report negative test results the next day, and positives on screening tests have to undergo confirmation testing on GC/MS....
It used to be that the reserve price was in addition to the face value of the ticket. That's what made it great as a futures market. The price of...
A former track athlete works for me. She indicated that she would not be surprised if LSU tested for synthetics. She said it was common for the...
Sorry Chaos. You are incorrect WRT testing. Our clinic offers testing for both synthetic marijuana and bath salts. The cost is about $65 for...
Take note that CBS obviously prefers to show LSU on its nationwide broadcast over Bama. How many weeks will LSU be the 1st choice over some other...
The original intent of the rule was to prevent highstepping, backpedaling (Reggie Bush did a 20+ yd backpedal), and unnecessary dives/flips into...
Bama gets exposed tonight.
I was sitting in the West, and the boos were much more prominent from the SW corner than from the students. Maybe its because they saw it first....
I must have missed the game by game stats on his QB rating late last season. Lets look at his passing stats late in the season (from...
I think the game plan was setup as plain vanilla. We took Ware out early. Magee got some nice reps against an SEC defense. Run on 1st. Run on...
No hurt feelings. Whatever gives us the best opportunity to win. I just prefer the passing threat more than the running threat when it comes to...
Don't mistake what I said. There is no doubt that JJ brings something to the table with his legs. I just thought it was not the right time to...
Coaching - C+ The pictures that JJ has of Miles must have resurfaced this week. Why would you put JJ in that early, which, IMO, made Lee lose...