Les was getting paid a lot before this year. His salary is justified now.
True, I didn't think about that. We are very prosperous. I guess I will vote for him after all.
I just know that I am never voting for George Bush ever again with all he did to the Katrina victims and all...
Byrd says in the article that LSU is the new Miami. True to a point maybe.. We actually have a fan base. Also, we get it done in the SEC with...
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/index Full Story: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?id=3277750
http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/03/19/anwar.vote.ap/ One example... I'll dig up more.
Well, if you guys would let us drill for more oil, build more refineries and power plants the oil prices would go way down. FACT!!!!!
Wow... My post was so good that all of these politically correct and diversified liberals (Socialists) overlooked the "chinks" comment in drc40's...
Enjoy your bicycles boys and girls. I will be enjoying my Corvette, Tahoe, Boat, and 4 wheelers. I plan on driving to Florida this Spring...
Wow.. Great story. Nice job fellow Tigers fans. We made an impression on these people. (At least the author of the write-up.)
http://www.dailytech.com/Temperature+Monitors+Report+Worldwide+Global+Cooling/article10866.htm I am sure that the govt. will find a way to tax...
People on the left are out of their minds. I feel like I am in Bizarro world over the past 10 years. Flagstaff activist changes name to...
Did anyone actually read the description?
HIGHSMITH, ARLINGTON I never knew this was his real name.
One of my all time favorites. (This is part two of three.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5cEhtge_BE&feature=related
Another one of my favorites by Ronald Reagan: A Time For Choosing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvg7lRsCVJ8
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRdLpem-AAs I miss Reagan. Libs wouldn't stand a chance at socializing this country if he were still around....
http://www.greatcatsofindiana.org/100_1035.JPG Who could have guessed the success he would have just months later.
Thanks and welcome to the board...