Hahaha!! :D thats funny
I have one of those too!! :D
Now thats a good girlfriend!!! :D
on the post game show they said a total of 12 freshman played.
*looks* hmm... looks like it... :) *sniffs* hmm... smells like it... ;) *licks* hmm... tastes like it... :shock: Yep it is!! Somebody...
i doubt it.
Class? what class? all i remember about my first day are the hot chicks :D :D
purple and gold, (white football jersey)
Is this what you were looking for? From: LSUsports.net Bennie Brazell profile Member of the Houston Chronicle Top 100 and was selected an...
I'm not sure what his rating was, but I do know thus far he hasn't lived up to his potential. Its too bad because he is one of the fastest...
1) Florida 02 2) Bama 01
Actually, during the rotory club meeting that Saban spoke at a few weeks ago, he said if Clayton played defense it would be in the regular base...
just an update: My windows automatic update just told me a new patch to solve this problem has been released. You can use windows update to...
I can help!! I had this same problem and was able to solve it. There is a fix which you can do yourself and you don't need to be a computer...
what worm are you talking about?
I always thought they wore a darker red than that (maybe closer to maroon?) It just seems like its lighter/brighter than normal. Not that it...
Good idea, that way (not that this would happen) if she ever dumps you, then you can go out with her "twin" :D :D
AAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D :D :lsug: :geaux:
good question, I have been wondering the same thing.