2/3 LSU Only losing to Stanek. If they can get to him they might sweep.
2 more outs
They still have to beat Georgia.
Col Reb, hold your head up high. Ole Miss looks like they will just get better and better.
They will drop to #4, probably.
24-17 this is closer than I thought it was gonna be.
Excellent post!
24-10 half
Patterson is out, that sux
My two favorite teams are LSU and whoever is playing the gumps,lol
Whoa, they're fighting already, lol
HAHAHA I feel you bro, 'RUDY RUDY RUDY'
Who's watching? Who you pulling for?
tidefans.com bans LSU fans... they don't see how much of a pu$$y that makes them look?
Come SECCG- I will be the biggest bulldog fan in the world, lol.
On a positive note, this game is just what LSU needed.
Looks that way. Metts first test isn't going well.