I ain't carrying any purse or murse or sophisticated bag ever.
"Come on you son of bitches do you want to live forever"
All true and there is still a better way to manage that situation. I support the police but will also call out things I see that are wrong.
I stated the the old guy was stupid to put himself in that position, but the dude is 75 years old, whatever threat he may have made could have...
And got him a bullet
Recognize that I am 20 years removed from a 12 year stint in The Corps... but I'll tell you a story. The only color in the Marine Corps is green...
They are police they must be held to a higher standard. Professional behavior is the only option. As a Marine I always checked other Marines...
Thia latest video out of buffalo is really f'ed up. First off the 75 year old dude was stupid to approach riot control police. Secondly and in my...
Fuck covid19
You would think so, but critical thinking is not wanted.
"All our leaders do is set us against each other. They stage a never-ending national cockfight for their profit and amusement." Dead on the money
You will get no argument from me in personal choice. But religious freedom is engrained.
Disagree, the state of California told churches that they could only have 100 people it didnt matter what size building. Yet other organizations...
Dude you cannot in any way limit religious services. To do so is fundamentally unamerican. The fact that you cannot see this baffles me. And...
Totally agree, I was shocked by the ruling. Robert's is straight up terrible justice. Freedom of religion is supposed to be absolute. Hell that...
Perrty much every one who saw the video recognized it as murder and was on the side of the family all these rioters have done is cause that...
The brunette to his immediate right
Agreed he had to hit a hard ass rock
Im not sure what it's called flange maybe..but shane those were some good size pins what the hell did you hit with your lawnmower blade and did...