Very weak link.... “Lee, as president used to say to his assembled faculty and students, ‘The eyes of the South are upon you,’” Gordon said....
That perrty much sums it up
And there you have it, it wont be long that no statue of white dude is allowed to stand.
Happy Birthday Dog Faces
The dude was passed out in his car a few minutes earlier he was not going far
I think they were by the book up until they shoot the guy running away. Again in this day and age you better not pull that trigger unless your or...
$$$ and when your the center of attention you dont want it to go away. But all that has to happen is make it such that if you die and had covid19...
I ain't buying that number either. At this point I ain't buying anything they are selling on this story.
asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus is actually ‘very rare...
Black undertakers are the best in the business
After the first 2 weeks we knew pretty damn well this was a joke. At this point its a full on hoax
In the rural areas there are certainly lots of blue eyes and blond hair. Minneapolis is a different story, I have been going there for 30 years...
See bolshevik revolution...
You obviously have not been Minneapolis in the last 10 years or so. Minnesota might be white but Minneapolis is plum full of immigrants.
That should be very interesting, if there was white (or more correctly wealthy) flight before, I would bet its going to significantly increase.
He had a good heart and overall wanted to do well but was overcome by the bullshit that is Washington DC. He certainly didnt deserve all the...
Whatever their specific situation was is not relevant this ceased being about floyd long ago. But Burgess' comments are right if we have empathy... “We don't have a black problem. We don't have a white...
Please bring a camera to that event