And the fact that you know he cant serve his full term is not a problem for you?
That has my vote for post of the week.
Best way forward is to plow through it get people immunity and move on.
He'd often say that the Marine Corps made me who I am, and my reply was simple...No dad you created the steal that the Corps put a fine blade on....
I dont understand why people cant see this simple fact.
My dad who 86 died yesterday of complications from COPD and heart failure. He was a tough old dude who faught in Korea. He was a true LSU and...
Dont know where to post this so I'll just put it here......
It ceased being about george floyd as soon as these fuckers realized they could use his name to destroy america. I wouls say about 24 hours after...
Bizarro world
The young healthy people is exactly who you want to catch this damn thing. Every odys hung up on the case count we should be worried about how...
GDF I have question did any of those "rednecks" stir up trouble like the article tries to say?
My wife makes goat cheese from our goats and I had some with some ham and good dense bread this morning...
Roman's disagree
I Sorry Martin you have lost your damn mind
Never knew this perhaps its also why he ended up as VP, and ultimately President.
That line is always moving
Que up taint...
I have been traveling for work between Houston and Midland for 6 weeks and have not worn one and have nor gotten sick nor has anyone else I have...
Even Lincoln is not ok......