Please answer this question... Back in april and may deaths were 1200 to 1500 a day with a much lower case count than today. How can things be...
Obviously you did not read the article, you are saying at lot if the same things the author is.
Ok so they wont call him uncle tom, but the sentiment is the same...cancel out views different than your own.
His fundamental argument that certain situations involving the popo are racially driven, I dont think is argued. And his overall argument that...
Wont be long he will be called an uncle tom
I wonder if he is considered a "veteran of the civil war"
I should have spent more time in oregon in my younger days.
They day after biden wins every headline on CNN will be all roses and sunshine. Ther will be no more corona virus, no more police brutality no... bust says hello
Certainly from the Democrat side that is true....
Jebus, everybody is going to get this thing, it's just a matter of time. Dont by into the hype.
As someone who has gotten kicked before that is funny
College age people have virtually nothing to worry about so why not.
Fortune favors the brave
That's always the case as soon as you are personally matters
I have a 2010 f150 and I replace the atf at 45k miles, but the mechanic tells me I should really do it at 45k. I am at 196k on it and knock on...
Key sentence. if it cant be corroborated then it isn't passed up the chain, unless it's very time sensitive.
Is it a surprise to you that Russia doesn't like us?
A little late but didnt fail