Kiki you deserve to have your punk card pulled for that one. She may be a hard lefty but she served and lost her legs in combat. She has paid her...
A disease that kills way less than 1% of infected is not a danger to society. Nothing I see in the next 2 weeks will change my opinion on that...
There is highly contagious diseases running rampant everyday. The difference is we take logical measured steps to control them we dont run around...
Everyone agrees that people is this category are at risk, but you don't shut down an entire country because a very small segment is at risk....
What some of us have been saying for a long time......
I have 2 cousins in Louisiana who did and 1 here in Texas. All had mild symptoms.
Read the governor's order... required outside when distancing is not possible
Because the shit isn't that deadly and never was and there only way to get passed it and that is through herd immunity.
Not a fair bought time which led to an overall victory. Those heroes knew they were all gonna die and stayed anyway. Contrast to...
For sure...if you keep running your damn mouth
Total bullshit...number of deaths in those states are middle of the road but supposed infection rate out of control. Those two facts cant...
@Winston1 my response is not about trump. But do you complain when gasoline prices rise? Most likely not because it helps our economy locally,...
This caught my eye... absent is "assualt rifles". But to your question they have the right to bear arms, and it looks like a peaceful rally and...
I have been to it and anybody who says it's not grand is too stupid to realize it's a long way from where you are standing to where the heads are....
Grimes county basically telling the governor to get fucked. Less than 30% at this festival wearing masks.
Didnt call you a name and didnt say fuck old people I said young strong people need to catch it so we get through this. We cant just sit at home...
I don't know if it's classified as racist yet give it time I'm sure it will be. It was explained to me as "first peoples" is more correct because...
While working in Canada I found out the new correct term is "first peoples"
In other words sheltering in place for the entire country was bullshit, like we have been saying for 3 months. The vast majority of people shake...
He was later heard to say "heroin is a hell of a drug."