There were "58k" new cases yesterday and 400 deaths do the math....
That sucks so did i
The only safety you need is you...
I play to watch them go at it though.
Then dont play the game
Bingo bingo winner winner chicken dinner...
I would never buy a pistol I had not held in my hand first.
I got his point my point is how the hell can it be safe in a plane and not ok on a beach or any other wide open space for that matter. I have...
And that is better than fresh air off the ocean??? Again bullshit
I have done one better I work in midland almost every week, i drive to their from Houston area and live my life just like i did before this shit...
I have one dumb ass question to ask all the people who think this disease is so bad... How is it that it is ok for people to get on a plane with...
That's certainly not we're she got it....:rolleyes:
I saw a guy wearing one on the back of his head the other day. I had to laugh
Perhaps, the bright side will be that no college football will piss off enough people so that we can get our shit together and quit acting like...
He was a goofy bastard, wasn't he. I do miss his press conferences though...but dont want to go back to him coaching the Tigers.
I have heard that the vacancy rate of apartments in New York city is about 35% and climbing, but I have not seen any increase of New York plates...
I guess in your world the Spartans at thermopylae, and the russians against napoleon were ultimately blunders also....
Word is now that the dems are pressing for no debates. And people will still vote for him.
We have made our conclusions...and they are based on reality of what can be seen not some bullshit theories. The numbers being reported dont jive.
That is a nice c cup right there.