HUSH!! If word that something like that could happen, we'd have to shut Louisiana down for a year for the parties to stop! Man talk about Eutopia!!
LAID BACK?????? ARE YOU KIDDING?????? I'm still in awe of what Smoke did to get this team that far!!!!! GOOOOOO TIGERS!!!!!! Smoke'em!!!!!
Steak marinade, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup worchestchire sauce, 1/8 cup lemon juice(or the juice from 2 sm lemons) 1 tsp garlic powder. Season...
The mesquitos are not too bad, Its that west nile virus ya gotta watch out for. Great post on the bears, thanks for taking time to give us a...
They were TOUGH! My hat off to UNC W! They have a helluva team!
Yes, it is a slow day.
AU should have a good team this year, but as far as a "couple of teams understimated us last season" I think that was due to AU's performance...
Ch. 2 news broke into the regular programing around 8:25PM and stated" Derek Todd Lee was in custody in Atlanta," The Atlanta police recieved a...