So, what do you think, maybe take those losers faces off Mt Rushmore and replace with only Trumps mug? After all, you guys feel he stands alone as...
Anyone thinks Trump goes scorched earth and makes things a lot worse for himself...and maybe the GOP or our country in doing so?
Only because of fear of drawing Trumps ire. Some are suddenly growing a pair of balls. Before now, only those born with no balls showed to have...
Stunning, coming from the GOP Senate leader. He's soon destined for the ever growing RINO pile....
meanwhile, at Mar a Lardo [ATTACH]
Merrick Garland has pretty much resisted going where no other AG has gone. If he changes course here, OMG!
I hope you scumbags have been watching (but I’m sure you haven’t) the final Jan 6 committees conclusions. It is truly more important than your...
No…he screwed up with the pariah stmt…no…and yes
Who has he been meeting with at mar a lago?
Hunter, Hunter, Hunter. That’s the most important thing the right has on the docket after they take over. I’d think there would be other items...
I don’t think so. About those walls…they are closing.
You have no idea what “shit” the committee has put out there. You haven’t watched anything except “shit” coming from Fox, OAN and newsmax.
The reason Trumps not in jail is because we, as a country, has never done that. That’s always been other countries. They’re going to give him...
Whatever, Einstein. I don’t normally agree with @Bayou Bengal11 but at least he makes some sort of sense and adds constructive conversations. I...
not everyone, apparently. trump's made a nice bit off of this grift. and as for the insurrection, how do you know there is no evidence, by your...
We’ll see. The delay, delay, delay tactics have about run their course. Then we’ll see how he blows everything up because, afterall, he is...
Show them. I’ve got some things for you from the president himself concerning the 2020 election from Georgia officials. You may have heard....
Proof? I’ve got some people in Georgia to talk to about this, too. And it’s tape recordings.
Ok, on the first bolded, I'm not as concerned about the Chinese and Twitter as I am about a president leading in planning an...