here comes a turnover or a 3 and out.
2 JJ drives = -7 points. 2 Lee drives = 14 points. I rest my case.
this qb is better than jj. Do you think we could get them to switch schools with each other?
I guess Les used up his store of luck the past 2 weeks.
hey, on the bright side Mcneese's secondary is probably better than auburns.
He is confused by the looks Mcneese st is giving hi,. He is obviously horrible and doesn't belong to play in any game ever.
Take JJ out. My God. Stop being a moron.
JJ should not play.
yet another example for why we have to absolutely blow auburn out of the water next week. They are gonna get every call possible go there way....
I really don't think it could've been overturned. There was absolutely no way to tell where JJ's knee was. I wanted him to challenge initially but...
whatever it was, Lee sure had a huge grin spread over his face.
but if we didn't let the clock run down before calling the TO then i think CUM would've realized we were trying a fake. He had to let the clock...
Boise may play nobody but they have a good team.
Florida is a very good special teams team. I think when they were playing Tennessee they showed a state where Florida was giving up a ridiculous 2...
R-Kansas is gong to score 60 on that Auburn defense. That defense is not good.
they booed while they were in the midst of their best drive of the game. It was unreal.
we were #9 last week to. ridiculous but if we win out that will take care of itself. Hell even 1 loss and an SEC championship will put us in....
you left out our first false start penalty. a florida player jumped towards the line and T-BOB jumped up trying to get the 5 yard penalty. The...
you're right he actually catches when lee throws it to him. I was watching with a friend and he said "tolliver makes them miss so much because...
not to pick on Lee but I was fearful of the fade because of the bad one he threw last week for the pick in the endzone. He proved me wrong though.