Uh, you’ve VOLUNTEERED that AND used it as a crutch (very unmilitary-like, I must say) a hundred times ol pal.
You served? Why have you never mentioned that?
I never understood how veteran posters took things personal. I can understand true newbs (not one of CO2’s multiple alters) who are just...
Man, for as much as I loved him for his ballz, he’s surely turning out to be a big pussy.
Well, with the end of the season comes the end of CO2’s corny, repetition of the SAME OL SAME OL, shit. @COTiger
Congratulations @XXL TideFan
You’re a grouch, not a comedian. Stick to your schtik
Where D Smith now, baw? lol
We’ve reached the point where the word “retard” is considered racist. that’s fucked up and anyone who believes that is retarded.
If a = b and b = c, then a = c.
Yes, we read it once, that was enough.
And if you don't like who I pull for, tough shit.
Cause I grew up during the Bear Bryant yrs. Nuff said
A National Championship is a National Championship. XXL I’m gonna hafta be pulling against ya but good luck to you and fuck the haters.
Tirk a mod? Like dat scene in Top Gun, “ God help us.”
A Ask her to see her snapchat.
I would downvote this crap.
CO will NEVER understand what you mean.
Well that’s what makes it funny.