Leave LSU to coach the Saints? Why would Nick Saban take a step down?
I remember years ago when the "Junk Yard Dog" lost a loser leave town match and the very next week a masked wrestler named "Stagger Lee" showed...
Normally my two favorite teams are LSU and whoever is playing Notre Dame. Not this week, folks. G .... G.... (holding my nose) Go Irish! (Ecch!)
Dandy Don keeps an interesting list of "where are they now?" for football players. Someone should ask him to start one for basketball. Rudy...
Hey, Coach Franchione (sp?). How's that job at A&M going?
Every day we are given the choice to make life better for those around us. Thanks for sharing this shining example of what each of us can do for...
Is the Chinese Inn on Airline the big pagoda-looking place that has been there since the 1970's? If so, I had an interesting experience in there...
I was once asked in a job interview what I felt my greatest weakness was, and I answered "Chinese buffets." I work in downtown Richmond. On the...
I've always liked Middendorf's fried seafood, especially the thin-cut catfish. Best seafood in all of Pass Manchac.
You 'da man!
Which of our tailbacks that they hand off to will have the greater impact throughout the rest of the season? (nyuk, nyuk)
For us out-of-staters, TigerForums is one of our few lifelines to LSU sports. Plus, it has a great entertainment value (Tirk's avatars). I am...
I've not been in either the pro-Marcus or pro-JaMarcus camps. Whoever is the best - that's who I want at QB. It would also have been nice to...
I was trying to suggest that since E.J. Kuale (does anyone yet know how that's pronouced?) also wears #2, Hawthorne would get him confused with...
Hawthorne repeatedly called Ali Broussard "Ali Landry" last year. Those cliche's were my "Hawthornisms" that I expect to hear.
"...pass over the middle and it is INTERCEPTED by Shyrone Carey!!!" "...it's a footrace! Nobody's going to catch him! He's down at the 23!"...