I haven't posted as often as I used to, but many of you know how much I like LSU and their fans with my family ties to the school and Louisiana....
I think BSPN must have spotted Bama 30%.
LSU will win... But in the one alternate universe where they don't, it depends on what else happens... If GT beat UGA and VT and OkSU win out, it...
The only people saying the latter are Alabama fans, and considering their recent opinions on message boards, I would ignore them. A true,...
Our two teams share a lot in common... both women's teams went through a similar scandal around the same time (although on different ends of the...
Sorry guys, I love LSU and their fans, but if you don't make it to and win the SECCG, you don't deserve to go to the BCSNCG. Using other...
If you're talking about that player statement that was read on ESPN, it's well documented that the kid was a good friend of James... Even ESPN...
I just don't think the allegations are going to go anywhere based on player and other coach comments about James' laziness and lack of being a...
Why would Leach take a coordinator job when he can very much land a head coaching job?
Thanks! :) Indeed! All of that is very true! Thanks! :) True... and the same was true for our defenders and several pick...
Thanks... Though I'm not so sure about beating OSU next year in the Shoe.... We are looking to have major QB problems next year as well as losing...
I know... I come by and read a little after every game lol. People just need to know that JJ isn't a reason to jump off a bridge. Just needs a...
It's official... I've had way too many Yuenglings... Lol. It's fixed now ;)
As a PSU alum in an LSU family, I must congratulate LSU on playing a great, hard fought game. Glad to see there were no major injuries despite...
They should just bring in a bunch of zambonis on the field after the marching band to see if they can't make the field as bad as possible....
JJ is decent, not good. Would you rather have Jarrett Lee in? Doubtful.
Crazy end to the second half.... Other than in the red zone, I'm surprised at how soft LSUs defense is playing. No real surprises on LSUs O. You...
Haha @ Tigerbait ;) This field condition is downright scary for sure... Should definitely hurt the Capital One Bowl's standing among others.
In past years, both teams did terrible in bad weather.... This year I couldn't get a good handle on either team, though PSU did play well in our...
LET'S GO STATE!!!! Beat LSU!!! Haha... It feels so weird to root against LSU, but this matchup was bound to happen eventually!!! Looking...