Nothing, he'll be lucky to survive October.
If you opened a GoFundMe today explicitly for that purpose, you'd have the money raised within 48 hours.
This. Again, if this is all to be taken at face value, if it's simply a matter of addressing concerns, what business does the AD have getting...
Under the circumstances you give him one year guaranteed money, back load it with incentives, then negotiate an extension after the season.
Why is this so hard for mediocre academics like Alexander to understand? That there are revenue-generating alternatives to pleading with the...
Lulz, yep, this is normal and healthy. Alleva is seeing his career flash before his eyes and Orgeron knows he'd lose the last piece of political...
Taking him at his word, it's a clear indication of his football acumen that he thinks he can spend an entire spring and fall camp implementing a...
I wonder what the JJ version of boot camp looked like.
Which begs some questions: 1. How and why did we lose nearly 1/3 of our OL to attrition before the season? 2. Are they getting objectively...
2014, sorry.
I went to the 2015 game in the Swamp. Both teams were doing everything they could to piss the game away and nobody wanted to win it. Brantley...
OK, you sold me. :)
It is going to depend on how the season plays out, but .500 in SEC play is the absolute ceiling for this team. Anything worse than that and all...
It's quite a nice venue for football. Stadium is a little on the small side, but the crowd noise is directed on the field. Game day campus...
I think this is the most likely outcome. Unless we get Jeremy Foley out of retirement, this is going to be a crappy year to be on the market. We...
So I have a free ticket waiting for me in Gainesville. I'm looking at a 10-hour round trip drive on Saturday. Is it worth it? Serious question.
The money we owe Orgeron will be a drop in the bucket compared to the revenue we stand to lose if this clown is HC for another year. Imagine a...
Right, that's why Alleva signed Orgeron barely 24 hours after Texas entered the Herman equation rather than spending another month to do his due...
Not only that, they actively lobbied to save his job at the end of 2015.
A LOT of fans bought into the hometown boy hype train. A friend of mine who has been in and around athletics his whole life, who definitely knew...